Sunday, January 8, 2012

Are people STILL living in those travel trailers in New Orleans & other Katrina-related areas?

There are still many "FEMA trailers" around New Orleans, though the City is in the process of requiring they be removed. Note that the City of New Orleans did not allow FEMA to establish lage "trailer parks" like are scattered around SE Louisiana. Almost all of the trailers in New Orleans are set one at a time on the property of a home owner who is living in it while they work on their house.

There are still trailer parks of emergency housing trailers in Mississippi from Hurricane Camille (1969) and trailer parks in Florida from other hurricnes well in the past. Some people never really recover from a disaster and the (worse looking every year) trailer parks stay forever if allowed.

Do realize Hurricane Katrina was the worst natural disaster ever experienced by the USA. The storm wrecked an area of 90,000 square miles (larger than Great Britain), killed 1800 people, displaced over 2,000,000 people for months, and made 500,000 of us long-term homeless. New Orleans alone sustained about $200 Billion in damage, and NOLA is only a fraction of the Latrina-devastated area.

The homeless people mentioned by "insanew/nasty intervals ofsanity" are not people from NOLA who lost their homes in Katrina. Virtually all of them are from somewhere else and traveled to New Orleans AFTER Katrina to take advantage of the no-questions-asked assistance available in disaster areas (free food, free clothes, free medical care, free housing, etc.). They are all psychologically disturbed and most are also substance abusers. What to do with them is a problem.

City governments all over America have a hard time coping with the issue of "street people" and city government in NOLA (Ray Nagin, etc.) is less competent than most.|||YES THEY ARE!!! we just got back yesterday from New Orleans and it still looked so bad there. most of the houses in the 9th quarter were all boarded up. and the trailers where in their front yards or on the streets. i have never in my life seen so many homeless people. it broke my heart to see all the destruction. Bourbon street looked the same as always. there where new apartments going up in the 9th quarter that said if you lived in New Orleans and wanted to come home they had special rates. i tell ya i wish the government would do a bit more to help all those people out. there where cinemas, walmarts, lows, win-dixie's, gas stations all boarded was all deserted.|||Yes they are. Over a year and a half later and people are still living in the tiny trailers.|||Some, yes.

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